Does the phrase” A woman’s work is never done” ring a bell? Most of us have probably wished for a 25-hour day at some time in our lives. |
There are some people out there,
who just seem to be naturally organised. They have spotless homes,
immaculate children, they look effortlessly elegant-I used to ask
myself: How do they do that? After having
children myself, I thought I would just magically get into a routine
of getting all my housework done, take my children out on playdates,
fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes and still spend quality time with
my husband.
In reality, in the beginning I was lucky to fit in a shower and
get dressed on some days, never mind getting anything done or actually
setting a foot outside the door, by the time I had seen to the children.
Every spare minute was spent franticly washing dishes here, wiping
a table there, throwing on the washing machine; I was often still
doing the ironing at midnight!
And yet, no matter how much cleaning I did,
the house just never stayed tidy! I never seemed to get anything
more than the basics done. We were drowning in a sea of clutter,
I didn’t know where to start, and there just wasn’t
enough time. I was a desperate housewife, wishing Kim and Aggie
would swing by.
ladies, there is hope!
Through a mixture of in-depth research and my own experiences,
I finally stumbled on a new method of getting things done more effectively.
I would like to help YOU do the same!
Develop quick and easy routines to get your chores done |
Declutter & Develop good habits |
Find out about fantastic new products and tips to make your life
easier |
Save £'s by buying just what you need every
week |
Feel better about yourself inside and out |
Break down all your huge jobs into smaller, more manageable tasks |
Do your chores together with us instead of facing them all alone |
Get the recognition you deserve for all the hard work you do! |
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